Reducing Waste

down to

an iota

What We Do

Our mission is to reduce food waste in the restaurant industry down to an iota. We're tackling this issue using our custom built machine learning models that take in various sorts of information, such as sales, weather, and local events data to provide estimates for what foot traffic will look like in different markets at different times. These estimates can make all the difference for restaurants, particularly those just starting out, by giving them clarity on how much inventory to buy ahead of time.

Why Us

Ayoda is the tailor-fit solution for your tailor-fit needs. Each instance of Ayoda is trained specifically on your geographic market, with customizations available for any variables that could affect your businesses day to day traffic. If your business has years of sales data we can train our model directly on that. If you're the new place on the block we also offer pre-trained models using data from other restaurants in your area.

How much are we talking?

Your Info

Last Month's Revenue

Last Month's Cost of Goods Sold

Last Month's Shrinkage Rate

Your Current State

Current COGS

Current Profit

The Ayoda Impact


New Profit

Total Annual Savings